
2014-01-09 14:55:02阅读:0地区:广东电脑版

 学院(医院):中山医学院公共卫生学院 孙逸仙纪念医院附属第三医院光华口腔医学院附属第六医院附属第一医院附属第五医院


院系 合作导师姓名
Sub-field within the academic displine
Field of research
中山医学院 杨天新 tianxin.yang 药理学 Pharmacology 列腺素以及核受体在肾脏生理及病理生理中的作用 The role of prostaglandins and PPARgamma in renal physiology and pathophysiology 罗老师
电话: 87332129
E-mial: luoli25@mail.sysu.edu.cn
王荣福 WANG RONGFU 免疫学;
Immunology;Stem cells and tissue engineering 免疫学;
Immunology;Stem cells and tissue engineering
陈列平 Lieping Chen 肿瘤免疫学 Immunology 共刺激和共抑制分子对免疫反应的诱导、分化和成熟的调节机制 Co-signaling moleculars,costimulation,coinhibition,modulation of immune response
颜光美 Guangmei Yan 药理学 Pharmacology 神经药理学和肿瘤药理学 Neuropharmacology and tumor pharmacology
吴忠道 Wu Zhongdao 病原生物学 Pathogen
寄生虫疫苗基础研究、病原体与宿主相互作用的分子机制 Basic research for vaccine development against parasitici nfection, the interaction between pathogens and host
关永源 Yongyuan Guan 药理学 Pharmacology 离子通道与心血管疾病 Ion channels and  cardiovascular disease
项鹏 Andy Peng Xiang 干细胞与发育生物学 Stem cell and developmental biology 干细胞增殖与分化的分子机理,干细胞治疗 the molecular mechanisms of stem cells self-renewal and multi- differentiation
黎明涛 Mingtao Li 药理学和神经生物学 Pharmacology and Neurology 神经元凋亡及其信号转导,帕金森病机制与治疗新靶 Study on mechanisms and drug targets for Parkinson disease
曾园山 Yuanshan Zeng 组织学与
Histology & Embryology 干细胞移植与中枢神经损伤修复 Stem cell transplantation and repair of central nervous system injury
黄曦 Xi Huang 免疫学 Immunology 抗感染免疫及其分子调控机制 Molecular mechanisms of microbial infection and
王庭槐 Tinghuai Wang 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophsiology 雌性素的心血管保护作用等及生物反馈生理机制研究 Studies on the physiological mechanism of feedback estrogen cardiovascular protective effects and biological
成建定 Cheng Jianding 法医学 Forensic Medicine 不明原因猝死、心律失常相关疾病的分子病理学及细胞电生理学 The molecular pathology and cellular electrophysiology of sudden cardiac death especially sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome
蒋玮莹 Wei-ying Jiang 医学遗传学 Medical Genetics 医学遗传学和人类遗传学 Medical Genetics and human genetics
李亮平 Liangping Li 免疫学 Immunology 基因工程与免疫学 Gene engineering and Immunology
李峰 Feng Li 神经生物学 Neruobiology 神经疾病的基因药物研究 Gene therapy research of neurological disorders
吕芳丽 Fangli Lv 病原生物学 Pathogen Biology 寄生虫感染免疫与分子流行病学 Immune regulatory mechanisms toxoplasmosis
周兴旺 Zhou Xingwang 生物化学
Biochemistry;Pharmacology 功能蛋白质组学和病原生物学 Functional proteomics and human infectious diseases
赵虎 Hu Zhao 法医学
法医精神病学、司法心理学 Forensic
Psychiatry & Psychology
周家国 Jiaguo Zhou 药理学 Pharmacology 心血管疾病防治新靶点的确立 The establishment of the new target in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
周洁 Jie Zhou 免疫学 Immunology 免疫细胞分化的分子机制研究 Molecular mechanism regulating myeloid cell differentiation
孙宏钰 Hongyu Sun 法医物证学 Forensic Genetics 法医DNA表型分型技术 Forensic DNA phenotyping
张萍 Ping Zhang 微生物学与免疫学 Microbiology and immunology 登革病毒拮抗宿主细胞放防御分子机制等 Dengue virus antagonistic host cells molecular mechanisms of Defense
公共卫生学院 凌文华 Ling Wenhua 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene 慢病的发病机制及营养防治 To explore the molecular mechanism of chronic diseases and their dietary prevention. 甘老师
电话: 87330672
E-mial: gandexiu@mail.sysu.edu.cn
郝元涛 HAO YUANTAO 流行病与卫生统计学 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOSTATISTICS 传染病流行病学 Infectious disease Epidemiology
夏敏 Xia Min 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene 代谢性疾病的营养防治 Nutritional prevention of metabolic disease
卢次勇 Lu Ciyong 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and medical statistics 遗传流行病学 Genetic epidemiology
陆家海 Lu Jiahai 流行病 Epidemiology 传染病流行病学,疫苗学,人兽共患病 the infectious disease epidemiology, vaccinology and zoonotic diseases
凌莉 Ling Li 医学统计 Medical Statistics 流动人口健康及其卫生政策,艾滋病流行病学 health issues and health policy for migrant population,Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS


丁悦 Ding Yue 骨外科 Orthopaedics 关节外科 Joint Surgery 王老师
电话: 81332402
E-mial: syskyk02@163.com
宋尔卫 Erwei Song 外科学
乳腺癌的发生、发展及转移机制研究 Mechanisms of etiology, development and metastasis of breast cancer
苏逢锡 Sufengxi 乳腺外科学 Breast Surgery 肿瘤微环境与乳腺癌侵袭转移 The tumor microenvironment in breast cancer invasion and metastasis
陈其奎 Qikui Chen 消化内科 The Dept of Gastroenterology 肠干细胞与肠粘膜损伤修复 intestinal mucosa injury and Intestinai stem cells
席丽艳 Xi Liyan 皮肤病学 Dermatology 医学真菌学 Medical Mycology
燕铁斌 Tiebin YAN 康复医学 Rehabilitation Medicine 1.功能性电刺激改善中枢神经系统损伤后功能障碍的临床及基础研究
2. 经颅磁刺激治疗中枢神经系统损伤的机制研究
1.Clinic and Basic Research of
FunctionalElectrical Stimulation(FES) on Disfunction
Improvement after Central Nervous System  Injuries
2. Research on Mechanism of
TranscranialMagnetic Stimulation Treatment of Central Nervous
System Injuries
刘超 Chao liu 肝胆外科 Hepatobiliary Surgery 肝干细胞与肝癌 Hepatic stem cells and hepatocellularcarcinoma
王捷 Wang jie 肝胆外科 Hepatobiliary
肝胆肿瘤发生 carcinogenisis


Ningyijiang 影像医学与核医学 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine 分子影像 Molecular imaging


Dai Lie 内科学 Internal medicine 类风湿关节炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis
彭 英 Peng ying 神经病学 Neurology 脑损伤与基因治疗 Brain injury and gene threapy
王景峰 Wangjingfeng 内科学 internal medicine 心脏起搏与电生理 Cardiac pacing and electrophysiology
张建平 Jianping Zhang 妇产科 Gynaecology and Obstetrics 围产医学、生殖免疫学 Perinatology and Reproductive Immunology
尹东 Yin Dong 分子医学 Molecular Medicine 肿瘤基因组学 Cancer Genomics
黄子通 Zitong Huang 急诊医学 Emergency Medicine 心肺脑复苏和医疗仪器开发 cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation and research and development of medical instruments
陈汝福 Chen Rufu 普通外科学 General Surgery 胰腺癌综合诊疗研究 Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer
刘军 Jun Liu 神经病学、
Dementia and cognitive dysfunction 氧化应激诱导自噬和凋亡在阿尔茨海默病早期病理发生中的作用机制 The mechanism of oxidative stress induced autophage/apoptosis in the pathogenesis of early-stage of Alzheimer’s disease.
郑亿庆 Zheng Yiqing 耳鼻喉科 otolaryngology 事件相关电位在听觉研究中的应用 Event related potentials in auditory.
陶恩祥 Tao Enxiang 神经病学
Neurology 帕金森病的发病机理研究 The pathogenesis study in Parkinson's disease


高志良 Gao Zhiliang 内科学 internal medicine 传染病学 Infectious Diseases 韩老师
电话: 85253214
E-mial: kyk8551@163.com
刘加军 Liu Jia-Jun 内科学 internal medicine 血液学 Hematology
翁建平 Wengjianping 内科学 internal medicine 内分泌与代谢病 Department of Endocrinology and Metbolism
彭亮 Peng Liang 内科学 internal medicine 感染科慢性乙肝研究 Genetics and proteomics research in HBV infection
吴本权 Wu Benquan 内科学 internal medicine 内科 呼吸 Respiratory Medicine
张勇 Yong Zhang 影像医学与核医学 Imageology and Nuclear Medicine 核医学 Nuclear Medicine
单鸿 Shan Hong 影像医学与核医学 Imageology and Nuclear Medicine 影像医学与核医学 Imageology and Nuclear Medicine
邵春奎 Shao chun-kui 病理学 Pathology 病理学 Pathology
黄月华 Yuehua Huang 内科学 internal medicine 感染科、肝病实验室 Dept. Infectious Disease
张革化 Gehua Zhang 外科学 surgery 耳鼻咽喉头颈外科 Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery
赖维 Lai Wei 皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology 皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology
孙启全 Sun Qiquan 外科学 surgery 移植医学/
Renal Transplantation
胡昔权 Hu xiquan 康复医学 ehabilitation medicine 康复医学 ehabilitation medicine
杨扬 YANG Yang 外科学 surgery 外科学、器官移植 Hepatic surgery; Liver transplantation
陈规划 Chen guihua 外科学 surgery 外科学、器官移植 Surgery
Organ transplantaition
张琪 Qi Zhang     干细胞
Stem Cell/Molecular Biology
刘仁斌 Renbin Liu 外科学 surgery 甲状腺、乳腺外科 Thyroid and Breast Surgery


凌均棨 Ling Junqi 牙体牙髓病学 Endondontics 龋病病因与防治;牙髓病、根尖周病的病因与防治、口腔分子生物学和组织工程学 Etiology and prevention of caries;
Etiology and prevention of pulpal and periapical diseases;
Oral molecular biology and tissue engineering
电话: 83802803
E-mial: gzhij@mail.sysu.edu.cn
黄洪章 Hongzhang Huang 口腔颌面外科学 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔颌面部肿瘤的外科治疗、早期诊断和治疗后监控及分子发病机制;唇腭裂的外科治疗及发生机制研究 Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology.
Etiology of Cleft Lip and Palate
张志光 Zhiguang
口腔颌面外科学 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 颞颌关节;组织工程 TMD;Tissue engineering
程斌 Bin Cheng 口腔粘膜病学 Oral Medicine 口腔癌前损害的基础与应用研究 The basic and translational study of oral carcinogenesis
廖贵清 Liao Guiqing 口腔颌面外科学 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔颌面-头颈肿瘤分子机制研究
research of oral and maxillofacial, head and neck oncology;
research of reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial defect;
research of treatment and diagnosis of non oncological salivary disease


汪建平 Wang Jianping 外科学 Surgery 结直肠外科 Colorectal and Anal Surgery 张老师
电话: 38254090
E-mial: zhliangy@mail.sysu.edu.cn
兰平 Lan Ping 外科学 Surgery 炎性肠病 IBD
梁晓燕 Liang Xiaoyan 妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 生殖医学 Reproductive medicine


王深明 Wang shenming 血管外科 Vascular surgery 1.炎症和血管疾病的基础和临床研究
1.inflammation and vascular disease
2.ncRNA regulation in atheroslerosis
电话: 87343130
E-mial: yangping@sysucc.org.cn
陈旻湖 Chen Minhu 消化内科学 Gastroenterology 1.表观遗传学、肠道微生态、免疫学等方面在炎症性肠病发病中所扮演的角色
1.the roles of epigenetics, intestinal microbiota, and immunology in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease
2.the mechanism of stem cells in treating inflammatory bowel disease.
何晓顺 He Xiaoshun 器官移植 Organ transplantation 1. 移植免疫;
2. 心脏死亡器官捐献功能评估与保护;
3. 干细胞分化与移植耐受
1. Transplantation immunology.
2. Evaluation and protection of graft function of deceased
organ donation.
3. Stem cells differentiation and inducing immune tolerance.
周灿权 CanquanZhou 生殖医学 Reproductive Medicine 1.人类卵母细胞和胚胎质量评估技术的研发;
1.Evaluation of the quality of human oocytes and embryos
2.the safety of assisted reproductive technology;
3.preimplantation genetic diagnosis technology and its clinical application
4.Protection and preservation of the female reproductive capacity.
陈炜 Chen Wei 泌尿外科 Urology 1.lincRNAs调控EMT在膀胱癌淋巴转移中的作用及其机制
1.Molecular mechanisms of long intergenic noncoding RNAs in regulating the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and lymph node metastasis of bladder cancer
2.Detection of EIF-5A2、AIB1 in urine and its significance in diagnosing early stage bladder cancer and monitoring recurrence
邓春华 Deng Chunhua 泌尿外科(男科学) Urology(Andrology) 1.男科疾病发病机制及诊治新方法的研究。
1.Pathogenesis and new method of diagnosis, treatment in Andrological disease.
2.Stem cells and tissue engineering in Urology and Andrology.
邓宇斌 Yubin Deng 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology & Pathophysiology 神经干细胞附着的智能水凝胶控释Lingo-1 RNAi促进脊髓损伤修复作用及其机制的研究 Using Lingo-1 RNAi delivered by intelligent hydrogelto repai SCI.
董吁钢 Yugang Dong 内科学/心血管病 Internal medicine/ Cardiology 心肌肥厚和心肌梗死的分子机制研究 the molecular mechanisms of cardiac hypertrophy and myocardial infarction
冯崇锦 Fengchongjin 口腔医学 stomatology 利用小鼠舌癌模型对MTDH进行动态研究,探明其促进舌癌血管生成的分子机制;并结合临床标本分析人舌癌组织中MTDH表达与病理参数的关系,为舌癌靶向治疗和MTDH作为舌癌预后判断指标提供理论依据 mouse model of tongue cancer was used to detect MTDH’s dynamic change during different stages, explore MTDH’s relationship with cancer occurrence, development and angiogenesis, and ascertain its molecular mechanism promoting tongue cancer angiogenesis. Analyzing the relationship of MTDH expression with pathological parameters in tongue carcinoma, we provide theoretical basis for targeted therapy of tongue cancer and MTDH as prognostic indicators.
何裕隆 YUlong He 外科学 Surgery 胃周LEC表达CXCL1促进胃癌淋巴结转移的分子机制 CXCL1 expression in LEC and gastric cancer infiltration and metastasis
李家平 Jiaping Li 肿瘤学 Oncology 1. MAT1A基因和MAT2A短发夹RNA协同抗肝癌的作用机制
2. 整合素avβ3对肝癌血管生成的调控机制
1. The Mechanism of Action of MAT1A Gene Combined with MAT2A of Short Hairpin RNA on Liver Cancer
2. The Regulation Mechanism of Integrin avβ3 Mediated Angiogenesis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
李雯 Li Wen 普通外科 general surgery 1.肿瘤微环境和胰腺癌发生发展的关系
1.Tumor microenvironment and pancrease cancer
2.ncRNA regulation in gastric cancer
廖晓星 Liao Xiaoxing 临床医学、急诊医学 Clinical Medicine, Emergency Medicine miR-26a调节GSK-3β和LINGO-1调控NSCs凋亡和分化治疗心脏骤停后脑损伤的作用和机制 The function and mechamism of miR-26a adjust GSK-3βand LINGO-1 regulate NSCS apoptosis and polarization to treat the brain damage after cardiac arrest
刘少喻 Liu shaoyu 骨科 orthopaedic 1.Etanercept联合转TrkC基因神经干细胞移植治疗大鼠脊髓损伤
1.Etanercept joint TrkC genetic neural stem cell transplantation to treat spinal cord injury in rats
2.Lumbar posterior internal fixation on the effect of adjacent segment disc degeneration and related factors analysis.
3.Osteoporotic vertebral body structure and the mechanism of dysfunction and degeneration of the spine function reconstruction research.
马中富 Ma Zhongfu 急诊科、急诊医学 Emergency Department /Emergency Medicine 1.重组SOCS1对巨噬细胞M1/M2亚群改变及对脓毒症作用的研究
1.The research on the change of Macrophage M1/M2 subsets and the effect on sepsis by recombinant SOCS1 Protein
2.The study on the molecular mechanism of Macrophage M1/M2 differentiation induced by recombinant trichinella Spiralis-53kDa protein and its effect on sepsis
秦鉴 QinJian 中医学 Chinese traditional medicine 1, 结合中医药活性成分,探讨多药物组分或有效活性成分衍生物的多靶点治疗脑部疾病的机制;
2, 探讨采用现代药物化学的方法,进一步挖掘中医药有效组分/成分保护脑的新结构实体;
3, 探讨非药物方案(如节食和远端缺血预适应等)对脑部疾病的保护作用及其分子机制。
区景松 Jingsong Ou 心脏外科 Cardiac Surgery 研究高胆固醇血症抑制心脏血管新生的机制及与高密度脂蛋白的关系,探索高胆固醇血症状态下促进制心脏血管新生的方法。 To investigate the mechanisms by which hypercholesterolemia impaired heart angiogenesis and its relationship with high density lipoprotein. To search the measures that can improve heart angiogenesis under hypercholesterolemia.
王安训 Wang anxun 口腔颌面外科 Oral and maxillofacial surgery 口腔颌面外科的临床与基础研究 Clinical and basic research of oral and maxillofacial surgery
王连唐 Lian-tang Wang 病理科 pathology microRNA调控骨肉瘤侵袭转移机制的研究 Study on effect and mechanism of miR-183 inhibits osteosarcoma invasion
谢晓燕 Xie Xiaoyan 超声医学 Ultrasonics 方向1:超声造影和影像融合在超声引导肿瘤消融中应用的基础研究和临床研究,
1.contrast ultrasound and imaging fusion in ultrasound guided tumor ablation.
2.the value of targeted-microbubble in the diagnosis of disease
许韩师 Hanshi Xu 风湿免疫科 Rheumatology 类风湿关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮的发病机制和治疗 the pathogenesis and experimental treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus
薛玲 Ling Xue 病理科 pathology 卵圆细胞恶性转化模型中Wnt/Notch信号通路串扰机制研究 Crosstalk of Wnt/Notch signaling pathways in oval cells malignant transformation
杨建勇 J.Y. Yang 影像诊断与介入治疗 Imaging diagnosis and interventional therapy 1.子宫动脉移植BMSCs联合经静脉注射Lipo-PGE1 方案对UAE 后子宫内膜形态、功能及容受性损伤治疗作用的研究与探索
1.The investigation and exploration about the positive effect on endometrial morphology,function and receptivity injury,by implanting BMSCs through uterine artery combined with injecting Lipo-PGE1.
2.The interventional and targeted therapy of liver cancer.
杨军林 Yang Junlin 骨科 orthopaedic 1.骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)的分化调控差异对青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)致病机理的研究
2. 多椎体去旋转技术矫正LenkeⅤ型青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的前瞻随机对照临床研究
3. 广东省中学生脊柱侧弯筛查
1.the role of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) differentiation and regulatory on the pathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)
2.the prospective randomized controlled clinical study of LenkeⅤadolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated by multiple vertebral derotation technique
3.Guangdong provincial scoliosis screening in middle school
丘少鹏 Qiu shao peng 泌尿外科 Urology 1.肿瘤干细胞在肾癌中作用机制以及筛选和开发新的肿瘤标记物用于临床肿瘤早期诊断和评估预后等。2.前列腺特异性膜抗原(PSMA)在前列腺癌中的作用机制及其相关分子信号通路研究。 1. Identify the function of cancer stem cell in renal cancer, and developing novel biomarkers for early diagnosis and evaluating prognosis.
2. Explore the molecular mechanism of PSMA and the associated pathways in Pca.
黄东锋 Dongfeng Huang 康复医学 Rehabilitation Medicine 增强虚拟干预对中枢神经运动控制中预知和动机效应的机制 The mechanism of augment virtual reality to anticipatory and motivation ability in persons after stroke


伍卫   心血管内科   心肌梗死后或心力衰竭恶性室性心律失常防治   李老师
电话: 39943110
E-mial: lixiuh@mail.sysu.edu.cn
张百萌   普通外科   肝胆外科  
黄瑾   呼吸内科   支气管哮喘  
易先平   病理学   心血管病理学  
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