
2013-06-06 11:34:25阅读:0地区:北京电脑版



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2. 具有基因组学、分子生物学、化学生物学研究背景,并获得相关方向的博士学位者。

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组长:康乐 中国科学院院士,研究员,博士生导师。

主要从事生态基因组学研究。在行为遗传学、抗寒性、化学生态学等方面取得系统性和创新性成果。在国际学术刊物发表论文100余篇,重要成果发表在Science, PNAS, PLoS Genetics, PLoS Pathogens,Genome Biology,Molecular Ecology, Annual Review of Entomology等国际著名刊物。


1. Kang*, L., Chen, X.Y., Zhou, Y., Zheng, W., Li R.Q., Wang, J. and Yu, J. 2004. The analysis of large-scale gene expression correlated to the phase changes of the migratory locust. PNAS,101: 17611-17615

2. Ma, Z.Y., Guo, X.J., Guo, W., Wang, X.H., Kang*, L, 2011, Modulation of behavioral phase changes of the migratory locust by the catecholamine metabolic pathway. PNAS,108:3882-3887. 

3. Guo, W., Wang, X.H., Ma, Z.Y., Xue, L., Han, J.Y., Yu, D., and Kang*, L, 2011. CSP and takeout genes modulate the switch between attraction and repulsion during behavioral phase change in the migratory locust. PLoS Genetics, 7(2): e1001291. 

4. Wu, R., Wu, Z.M., Wang, X.H., Yang, P.C., Yu, D.,Zhao, C.X., Xu, G.W.,Kang*, L, 2012. Metabolomic analysis reveals that carnitines are key regulatory metabolites in phase transition of the locusts.PNAS, 109:3259–3263.

5. Ma, C., Yang, P.C., Jiang, F., Shali, Y., Chapuis, M.P., Sword, G., Kang*, L, 2012, Mitochondrial genomes reveal the global phylogeography and dispersal routes of the migratory locust. Molecular Ecology 21: 4344–4358.

6. Cease, AJ, Elser, JJ, Ford, CF, Hao, S., Kang*, L, Harrison*, JF. 2012. Heavy livestock grazing promotes locust outbreaks by lowering plant nitrogen content. Science, 335, 467-469.

7. Zhang, Y., Wang, X.H., and Kang*, L, 2011. A k-mer scheme to predict piRNAs and characterize locust piRNAs. Bioinformatics, 27(6)771–776.

8. Luo, Y., Wang, X.H., Yu, D., Kang*, L, 2012. The SID-1 double-stranded RNA transporter is not required for systemic RNAi in the migratory locust.RNA Biology, 9:5, 1-9. 

9. Wang, Y.D., Yang, P.C., Cui, F., Kang, L. 2013. Altered Immunity in Crowded Locust Reduced Fungal (Metarhizium anisopliae) Pathogenesis. PLoS Pathogens, DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003102 

10. Wei, Y.Y., Chen, S., Yang, P.C., Ma, Z.Y. and Kang*, L., 2009. Characterization and comparative profiling of the small RNA transcriptomes in two phases of locust. Genome Biol., 10: R6, 18pp., (doi:10.1186/gb-2009-10-1-r6)  

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